Limited collection of 1,111 Cactus’ that live in an isolate destitute. Stranded from all things they remain alone and lost in time. Trying to make it to the Oasis where they can harvest $CACTI to help them return home.

Token $CACTI

Supply 11,111,111


  • Team 10%

  • Staking 60%
  • Marketing 10%
  • Liquidity Pool 20% (Will slowly be added if &when needed to help maintain price of $CACTI)

Initial Supply

  • 50,000 $CACTI added to pool / liquidity reserve
  • 300 $Sol into the The Oasis
  • 50% of royalties into The Oasis
  • $CACTI will start at a price of $0.50 per
  • 10 $CACTI earned per day, per Cactus Staked
  • 20 $CACTI earned per day, per 1/1 staked


  • Spend 3,333 $CACTI to send your Cactus to the workshop and build your own Saloon!
    A Saloon will take 4 weeks to build with 1 Cactus and for 2+ Cactus' it takes 3 weeks to build.
  • There will only ever be 333 Saloons, and all $CACTI used will be burned πŸ”₯.
    Each Saloon can hold up to 3 Cactus' and allows every Cactus in the Saloon to earn 2x the $CACTI, yes 1/1's will earn 40 $CACTI per day in a Saloon.
  • The Saloons will be tradeable and each be unique in its own way.


  • Lock your Cactus in The Oasis via the 'Spa' for 45 days to earn a 1.2x boost to your daily $CACTI income. (While in the Spa, your Cactus & $CACTI will not be withdrawable, you must wait until after the 45 day period)
  • Example -
    Stake Cactus for 45 days normally = 450
    $CACTI Stake Cactus in the Spa = 540
    $CACTI 1.2 boost also applies to 1/1's


  • Spend 900 $CACTI and send you Cactus to the lab for 2 weeks to genetically clone your Cactus, only this time they are different, they will be mutated! These new Mutated Cactus' will be identical to the current Cactus you sent to be mutated. This cactus will not have its metadata altered but rather a visual customization will be made so you can switch between mutated and regular versions of your cactus!
  • At the end of 2 weeks your Cactus will be returned to you and you will also have its mutated counterpart you can switch into!! The mutated Cactus will be exactly like your current Cactus but mutated! These Mutated Cactus' will not earn $CACTI but rather give your Cactus a mutated edge and all new look for your NFT. This will NOT affected rarity in anyway, this is just a visual to upgrade appearance of your Cactus
  • Example -
    SCC #365 once mutated will receive an option to switch appearance of the Cactus #365 with all new mutated traits.
All $CACTI used will be burned πŸ”₯

The Team

King Kulbik

Front-end developer


Lead Back-end Developer/ Project Lead


Community manager / Project Lead